Libertarian ideas

This video is presents some interesting libertarian ideas from a guy called Stefan Molyneux.  I really liked his ideas of volunteerism vs violence and that his emphasis for changing the way the world operates is to live according to the principles you believe in yourself and let others follow if they like the results they see.

He also points out that we have made a lot of progress towards freedom in our thinking and living as a society.  I agree.  While there are lots of things that aren’t working fantastically in society right now, in general I think we have progressed hugely over the centuries and millenia.  I don’t think we need to be negative about our societal institutions, for the most part I think that they have done a lot of good, the question is how can we do even better.

I don’t think this guy necessarily has all the answers, and neither do I.  But I think it is great that there are people out there discussing these ideas and thinking about our next step forward as a society.  I also like that he seems to practice what he preaches – he even makes his books available for free.